Vitamins and Diet: How to Restore Immunity after COVID-19

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What to eat and drink to improve your health after the coronavirus?

Those who have had the “crown” note not only a decrease in working capacity, weakness, a lack of smell (unfortunately, it does not return to everyone), in two words – a decrease in immunity. The consequences of the disease will resonate in us for a long time, so it is important to help the body recover as soon as possible: diversify your diet, start taking courses of vitamins and dietary supplements, visit the fresh air more often, and relax.

According to experts, special attention should be paid to yourself during the active phase of recovery, in the first three weeks after the illness. About what drugs to take, what to eat and how to come to our senses, we asked an expert.


Do not forget that all of the listed drugs may have side reactions, consider your individual characteristics: allergic reactions, intolerances. Before use, consult your doctor and read the instructions.


Take 3 weeks:

  • Vitamin C 500 mg per day
  • NAC 900 mg 2 times a day
  • Zinc 60 mg

1 month:

  • Echinacea 500 mg 2 or 3 times daily, after meals
  • Resveratrol 400 mg 2-3 times a day, after meals
  • Quercetin 500 mg 2-3 times a day, after meals
  • Omega 3 1500 mg, in the morning, after meals
  • Glutathione 500 mg 2 times a day, 1 month

2 months:

  • Enzymes at every meal, 2 months
  • Curcumin 500 mg 3 times a day, after meals, 2 months

4 months:

  • Overnight probiotic, 4 months
  • Vitamin D3 5000-7000U (depending on your vitamin D3 level) in the morning


A healthy diet plays a huge role in the recovery process: a balanced diet can help reduce inflammation and strain on the intestines and kidneys, and support the liver and cardiovascular system. Thanks to this, you can shorten the rehabilitation time, increase immunity, accelerate metabolic processes and improve blood composition. In this case, the FODMAP diet is ideal, according to which simple carbohydrates are excluded from the diet, which trigger inflammatory processes in the intestines and in the body as a whole.

According to the rules of the FODMAP protocol, you need to exclude from the diet: refined sugar-

  • candies
  • cakes
  • ice cream
  • muffin
  • agave syrup
  • corn syrup
  • honey
  • fructose
  • any artificial sweeteners
  • fruits and vegetables with a high glycemic index.

In addition, you should give up mushrooms, gluten-containing products, canned fish and meat, semi-finished products, whole milk and dairy products, including cheese, butter.

And, of course, a categorical “no” to fast food and food “garbage”: chips, packaged juices, sauces.


Your daily diet should be balanced and varied: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fiber – everything should be

You can eat:

  • cereals
  • vegetables and fruits with a low glycemic index
  • pasta, products made from whole grain flour (buckwheat, flaxseed, amaranth, almond and coconut), bran, bread without yeast and gluten in the composition
  • buckwheat noodles (soba), quinoa noodles, rice noodles
  • cold-pressed unrefined oils for salad dressing
  • nuts and seeds (unroasted)
  • natural spices and tomato sauces without flavorings and preservatives.

The anti-inflammatory FODMAP protocol also allows the presence of chicken and quail eggs in the diet, sea and river fish, including wild fatty fish (salmon, salmon, mackerel 1-2 times a week), and seafood.

Your diet may also include: veal, beef, including offal, chicken and farm / homemade turkey, offal, quail, duck breast, rabbit.

The expert recommends steaming or baking dishes, boiling cereals and cereals in water. If desired, you can add vegetable milk to the finished portion (with the exception of soy and oat milk).

Avoid fried, smoked, fatty foods.

Lubricate tins and pans with a drop (no more) of coconut / ghee oil. Choose iodized sea salt and remember that it is better to undersalt than oversalt.


As a dessert, eat natural jams and preserves made from fruits / berries with a low glycemic index, without added sugar, flavors, colors. A little coconut sugar, stevia, natural maple syrup and chocolate with at least 75% cocoa (3-4 slices) won’t hurt you.


You can drink natural coffee, green, weak black, fruit, mint tea and plain clean water.

Important: do not wash down food during meals, so as not to harm digestion. Drink no earlier than 20 minutes after eating, tea and coffee in an hour, and, I think, it is clear that we are not talking about alcohol at all.

You should have 3 full meals and 1-2 snacks.

It should be eaten at intervals of about 3-3.5 hours. Make sure to drink 1-2 glasses of clean water at room temperature 20 minutes before meals.

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  • Vitamins and Diet: License Date: February 21st, 2023 Item License Code: GQXDBA7KV8