How To Fall Asleep Quickly If You Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night

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4 effective ways to fight insomnia

Our bodies are unpredictable and can wake up at any time of night for a variety of reasons. In summer, this is most often due to high temperatures and early dawns, but other motives are also common: anxiety, stress and overeating. Our pick of 4 effective ways to fall asleep in just a few minutes.  

Avoid stimulating your brain 

So, don’t start planning your day, think about work or study and certainly don’t pick up your smartphone under any circumstances. Try to stay in bed and, for example, replay in your mind a part of a film or book you’ve recently been exposed to, or use the well-known method: count sheep. 

Use a relaxing sleep spray 

Such a spray, e.g. lavender, should be sprayed on your pillow. Its formula continuously releases its therapeutic fragrance throughout the night, thus facilitating efforts to fall asleep, and in some cases even preventing unplanned awakenings. 

Try guided meditation

When people wake up in the middle of the night, they are often disturbed by disturbing thoughts of not being able to fall asleep. Because of the stream of negative speculation, the mind will be awake, even if the body is exhausted. In such a situation, it is worth taking your attention away from stress by focusing on your breathing, or, as a last resort, reaching for your phone and playing relaxing music. 

Use a sleep mask and earplugs 

This method works for people who find the morning light, even through the blackout curtains, or noise from the neighbours or the street a regular wake-up call. And remember, it is advisable to choose a mask made of natural materials, as they are much more breathable. 

Is Honey Really Good For You?

How much sugar is in it?

When we try to avoid refined sugar, we try to find healthier alternatives, and honey is the most popular of them. There is much debate about its benefits (or harms), with some regarding it as the ultimate evil and others as perhaps the most beneficial dessert. In fact, both opinions are wrong, and we tell you why.

How much sugar is in honey?

In short, a lot. Fast carbohydrates account for 80-85% of the product, while honey’s sugar content is virtually identical to the white stuff we’re used to, so you can’t really talk about its harmlessness. Like regular white sugar, honey causes a spike in blood sugar levels, which contributes to feelings of hunger, and in the long term can lead to weight gain and chronic disease. But for those who use honey uncontrollably, the problem is serious. Like sugar, in small amounts (read here how much sugar you can eat a day without harming your figure) honey will not harm your body and will lift your mood, thanks to the release of serotonin in the blood.

Why is honey healthier than white sugar? 

The calories and high carbohydrate content makes sense, but if you can’t do without sweets, honey is still much healthier than sugar. The fact is, white sugar is a useless staple in your body: it contains no vitamins, minerals, or protein, only fast carbohydrates. Honey, at the same level of carbohydrate content, is rich in health benefits that counterbalance its sweetness.

Honey is a source of antioxidants such as phenolic acids and flavonoids. They protect cells from damage by free radicals, improve skin health and counteract aging processes. The active ingredients in honey may have a positive effect on heart health by lowering “bad” cholesterol and strengthening the heart muscle. In addition, honey has a powerful antibacterial effect, which is excellent for strengthening the immune system and preventing inflammation.

Note that we are talking about natural honey with 100% organic composition. It is commonly available in specialty shops or from apiaries. Most of the honey on the supermarket shelves is of questionable composition, with many preservatives and additives. Honey is also a food allergen, so it is best to be cautious about what you eat.

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  • Sleepless woman awake at night and checking the time: License Date: February 24th, 2023 Item License Code: KQFVN5RPWM