Five Non-Obvious Reasons why you Gain Weight

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Why, even if you try to eat right, kilograms still come?

So sometimes it happens – you get up in the morning on the scales and freeze in bewilderment. Where is this from anyway? Why so many? Behind you is a difficult week without soda and flour, which you were inspired by for almost half a year … Trying to incinerate with your eyes the treacherous changes on the scale of scales, you mentally go over the “suspects” responsible for the increase in unnecessary kilograms.

The truth is that sometimes weight gain has nothing to do with what you eat or how often you exercise. Here are a few factors that stand in the way of the rapid path to the ideal figure.


Regular lack of sleep not only exhausts you physically, but also helps you gain weight in the long run. Scientists are still studying the exact link between lack of sleep and rounded sides, but it is clear that the main reason is the ability to eat more while awake.

In addition, a chaotic sleep pattern disrupts circadian rhythm cycles, which affects hormonal and metabolic regulation. Until you sleep at the right time, hormones start a serious revolution: instead of leptin, which regulates energy and suppresses appetite, more ghrelin is released, which awakens the feeling of hunger. That is why those who sit up at work are drawn to sweet and fatty foods – a quick refueling of calories helps to cheer up.

WHAT TO DO: Focus on restoring a routine – try to go to bed and wake up at the same time to restore your circadian cycle. Practice proper bedroom hygiene by turning off electronic devices two hours before going to bed, and don’t eat after that time. And be sure to limit your caffeine intake in the afternoon if you have trouble falling asleep.


Of course, you may not be aware of this, but office work after midnight, giving up weekends for a part-time job, and problems in your personal life will certainly be reflected on the scale, and, most likely, not in the negative. What can you do, this is how the human body works – it begins to store fat, as soon as the stress hormone cortisol sends a signal to the brain: “ordered to survive”, going into protection mode.

Elevated cortisol levels can be beneficial for short periods of time, but chronic stress only works on negative indicators. A study of cellular metabolism undertaken by American scientists in 2018 proved that there is a direct link between high levels of cortisol and progressive fullness. In addition, people who are constantly overwhelmed find it difficult to adjust to the daily routine and make time for training and preparing a normal lunch / dinner.

WHAT TO DO: Stick to a sleep schedule, work out regularly, develop the habit of cooking delicious and healthy meals for yourself, and learn calming techniques to relieve chronic stress, such as deep breathing and meditation. Nutritionists and psychologists confirm that their patients lose weight by maintaining regularity in these practices.


Digestive problems, from intestinal discomfort to commonplace constipation, also help to gain weight. One of the main risk factors for weight gain is microbiota problems. Scientific research has linked imbalances between beneficial and pathogenic gut bacteria to weight gain. By the way, this is one of the reasons why artificial sweeteners do not save you from extra pounds – they have a bad effect on the hardworking microbiota and the work of the digestive tract. Improper gut flora also contributes to insulin resistance, which makes glucose uptake difficult and leads to weight gain.

WHAT TO DO: Talk to your doctor, who will likely prescribe a course of probiotics, and change your diet to includemore fiber (bacteria love it) and fermented foods.


Low levels of magnesium, iron, and lack of vitamin D undermine the immune system, slow metabolism, and simply deprive the body of energy. You feel too overwhelmed or weak to exercise and are tempted to fuel up with fusion coffee, chocolate, and other very simple carbohydrates—but you know where that leads.

WHAT TO DO: Load up on red meat, buckwheat, liver, spinach, Brazil nuts, or almonds to improve your iron and magnesium levels. Due to the low presence of the sun in our latitudes, vitamin D will have to be taken in pills – and only on the recommendation of a doctor, since busting with the dosage is fraught with the formation of kidney stones.


An important point that is often not taken seriously: small changes in lifestyle can lead to both weight loss and weight gain. For example, you moved to a new neighborhood away from the park, where you walked every evening, switched to a sedentary job, or suddenly returned to the habit of drinking cola at dinner – just a few weeks of these mini-changes can affect your waist and hips. By the way, nutritionists agree that sugary or alcoholic drinks are the most popular omission when counting calories.

WHAT TO DO: The first step to getting back into good eating habits is to start a diary and write down what and when you eat for a few days. This way you can see the big picture and identify changes that will lead to weight loss results.

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  • Weight gaining concept. Frustrated slim european woman taking step onto scale to measure her weight.: License Date: February 24th, 2023 Item License Code: GHV39JTB2C