Do You Want A Flat Stomach? Here Are 13 Tips That Work

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First, let’s be clear – it’s impossible to lose or “lose weight” in just one part of the body. Weight either goes everywhere or nowhere. So for a flat tummy, you’ll have to incorporate diet and sports. But if you’re not a fan of either, here are a few habits that will help you keep your belly flat without starvation and heavy exercise.

1. Add olive oil to your food every day

Olive oil, known as yellow gold in ancient times, is one of the oldest of therapeutic and cosmetic remedies. It combats cardio-vascular diseases, aids digestion, and best restores pH level in our body. It is also a powerful antioxidant and, most importantly, prevents bloating and intestinal problems.

2. Less stress

Our stomach is our second brain. Stress, irritation and moping accumulate here. And where there’s stress, there’s trouble digesting food and a bloated tummy. The solution: engage in yoga or meditation to lower your cortisol levels and release whatever bad stuff is trying to affect you.

3. Put more seasoning in your food

Salt is bad for our body and health, but spices, on the other hand, are very beneficial. By raising your body temperature, they help fight disease and burn calories. But be careful, adding a lot of pepper to a greasy burger is not necessary. It’s important to eat healthy and add a pinch of pepper or turmeric to it.

4. Do the plank

Try the 30-Day Plank Challenge and you’ll see results in no time. Let’s start with holding the plank for 20 seconds (the first day), then gradually increase the duration over a month. Press cubes, nice to meet you!

5. Eat healthy fats every day

Avocados, yams, nuts and fish should be a must on your menu. As well as being healthy fatty acids, these are foods rich in fibre, which is ideal for removing accumulated bad fats.

6. Drink apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a magical beauty product. We love it for its ability to make our hair glow, and Staz Lindes, the muse of Yves Saint Laurent, uses it to brighten her face. But apple cider vinegar can also be drunk. One teaspoon a day will reduce stomach acidity and, consequently, bloating.

7. Give your belly a massage.

Abdominal massage is good for digestion, circulation and preventing bloating. Simply lie on your back and massage your abdomen with gentle pressure, making large circles in a clockwise direction.

8. Eat only healthy fruits and detox foods

An apple, artichoke, tofu or even prunes improve digestion and help flush out toxins. Vegetable proteins (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts) as well as soft fibres, found in fruits and vegetables in particular, contribute to better cleansing of the intestines. Avoid: fried foods, dairy products, animal fats such as butter, dishes in sauce and “refined” foods such as white bread and breadcrumbs.

9. Do not eat margarine, mayonnaise and ready-made sauces

Avoid unhealthy fats when cooking your favourite foods. Replace mayonnaise with yoghurt. Use clarified butter or vegetable oil instead of margarine. Dress salads with lemon juice and balsamic vinegar. Your abs will thank you.

10. Drink 1.5 litres of water a day

Trite advice from all models, but it works – water won’t help you lose weight, but it will stimulate your lymphatic system and improve your metabolism. Choose draining drinks: water, herbal teas. Green tea prevents the formation of fat. Water (with mint, chia or lemon) regulates appetite and prevents snacking cravings. Avoid: alcohol (it promotes fluid retention and fat accumulation, including in the abs), carbonated drinks and fruit juices that cause bloating.

11. Practice sports

Exercise burns calories and helps you lose weight, including reducing your abdomen. To lose as much weight as possible, not only do you need to exercise for at least thirty minutes every day, but you also need to watch your diet. You should spend more calories than you consume. Know that it is the duration of exercise that matters, not the intensity. An hour of walking will replace half an hour at the gym. Walking, swimming, cycling won’t turn our belly into a washboard, but it will make it flat.

12. learn how to breathe correctly

Proper breathing and breathing exercises tone the abdominal abs, help digestion and relieve the stress that often causes a bloated tummy. When we are relaxed, we breathe deeply and slowly. When we are stressed, our diaphragm contracts and we get less oxygen, which can cause abdominal pain and bloating. So in any unpleasant situation, breathe!

13. Watch your posture

Poor posture or back problems may result in a bulging abdomen. See a specialist and have your back checked, do simple posture exercises, and keep an eye on your shoulders and the position of your head and neck. Remember that no magic remedies are needed – posture can be corrected by the simplest exercises from OHP. Give them 10-15 minutes every day and you’ll be surprised.

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  • Cropped shot of dark skinned woman with flat stomach slender legs wears loose orange jumper blue panties being in good physical shape: License Date: February 24th, 2023 Item License Code: 26SPLUMVFH