5 Trendy Diets That Are Harmful To YOUR Health

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Every year there are more and more diets in the world. A huge number of women, starting from adolescence, use them in the hope of quickly losing extra pounds. In pursuit of the perfect figure, many people forget that most of the popular diets today are just marketing.

Even if you manage to quickly lose weight, the result will be short-lived and you will certainly get better. What diets are better to forget about forever, says an expert.


Either one product or a very limited product set is used. Among these diets: “apple”, “carrot”, “zucchini”. The main mechanism is the low calorie content of the products used, even with a large amount of them.

Due to the very low energy value of the food consumed, the probability of breakdowns approaches 100%.

Moreover, excessive calorie restriction often leads a person to a “plateau” state, in which the body’s metabolic processes decrease so much that the body stops losing weight, entering a deep energy saving mode – all efforts are in vain.

Mono Food consumption will always cause deficiencies in both macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals). If you choose a sufficiently nutritious food for the diet, for example, bananas or chocolate, it is possible not only not to lose weight, but even gain it. You will not get the effect, but you will harm the body. When returning to the usual diet, the lost kilograms return within 7-14 days. For any competent specialist, this is so obvious that it does not even require additional research.


Gained its popularity in the fitness environment, where such a diet is called “drying”. It is characterized by a large amount of protein in the diet and low in fat and carbohydrates. If we talk about products, then the basis of the diet is lean meat, eggs, low-fat fish, low-fat cottage cheese.

The mechanism of action is based on the rapid removal of fluid from the body: an increase in the amount of protein components in the blood has the effect of a sponge, which draws water from peripheral tissues.

The state of health on such a diet is deteriorating every day. A person feels constant fatigue and increased irritability, the quality of sleep decreases, and in women, the menstrual cycle can often be disturbed. Such side effects make it impossible to use this diet for a long time. In addition, all the secreted fluid returns within a few days after the transition to the usual diet. And the short-term effect is completely depreciated due to increased appetite after, which leads to the return of the lost. The desire to go through all this is unlikely to arise again. Additional side effects are indigestion, increased risk of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. This is evidenced by the results of a study published in the journal Nature Metabolism.


The diet is difficult for a simple layman to follow and is based on the body’s transition to a special energy supply mode – ketosis.

To start such a regimen, a large amount of fat is consumed, a moderate amount of protein and a negligible amount of carbohydrates (all about 20-30 g per day).

The main risks of this diet:

  • functional overstrain of the liver and kidneys;
  • inadequate digestion of fats;
  • changes in the intestinal microflora;
  • in some individual cases, fainting and coma are possible due to a critical lack of carbohydrates against the background of uncontrolled and improper use of the diet;
  • requires a higher level of knowledge.

A large list of risks and no less list of contraindications are a strict restriction for the use of this diet.


The carnivore diet, or predator diet, is based on the consumption of exclusively animal products. At the same time, the diet consists mainly of various types of meat and fish, without any plant products. The mechanism of action of this diet is similar to the high protein diet. It gained great popularity abroad, where adherents of carnivores appeared as a permanent diet. They say that it helps to lose weight and solve some health problems, but there are no high-quality long-term scientific studies to confirm this, so any experiment will be carried out by you at your own peril and risk.

There is a risk of serious and negative changes in the intestinal microflora, which can adversely affect human health. Like any low-carb diet, carnivores will help you lose those extra pounds, but when you return carbohydrates to your diet, the weight will gradually recover to its previous level.

It is highly recommended neither for temporary use, nor even for permanent use due to the excess of saturated fatty acids, lack of dietary fiber, and deficiency of a large number of micronutrients. All this is confirmed by research by Harvard scientists, which were published in the journal Current Developments in Nutrition. Also remember that excessive consumption of meat and lack of dietary fiber are factors that increase the risk of colon cancer.


In this case, the main principle, first of all, is caloric restriction. The daily diet may consist of a handful of nuts, a few fruits and vegetables. With prolonged observance (from several weeks), it can lead to a deficiency of some essential amino acids and, as a result, to a decrease in protein synthesis, on which the work of all body systems depends.

The most common side effect of a raw food diet is a dramatic decrease in immunity. Weight decreases along with the body’s ability to resist infectious diseases.

It can be dangerous to use this method of losing weight during the activation of various viruses. Sports nutritionist Matt Fitzgerald, in his book Diet Cults, writes that the justification for the “usefulness” of a raw food diet is pseudoscientific. And since the diet is highly unbalanced, most of the research has been focused on studying its harm to health, and not on the possibility of using this diet for weight loss.


On the example of several fashionable diets, it becomes clear that their use is pointless and even harmful to the body. The “lose weight-gain back” swing not only leads to a return to the starting point, but most often leads to an even greater set of kilograms.

However, there are several diets that are approved by the global scientific community. They are united by basic principles, the introduction of which into everyday life does not require violence against your body.

For example, the Mediterranean diet, paleo diet and pescetarianism are the most optimal, balanced and scientifically based diets for humans.

The work of scientists at the University of California at Irvine (USA) shows that these types of nutrition have an excellent effect on the body, reducing the risks of most common diseases. These include heart and vascular disease, metabolic disorders, oncology, and age-related cognitive impairment.


  • eat only when hungry, and if you have the skills and desire, you can control the level of daily calorie content of the diet;
  • moderately reduce sources of starchy carbohydrates;
  • moderately increase protein sources;
  • maintain physical activity at the level of 8-10 thousand steps per day or adhere to the rule of “150 minutes of increased activity per week.”

With a conscious approach to your health, you can build a lifestyle so that the use of diets with short-term and dubious results is no longer required.

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  • On diet: License Date: February 22nd, 2023 Item License Code: 6GVU8CLYB9