5 Simple Morning Habits to Help You Lose Weight

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Good habits for a balanced diet throughout the day

How we start the day affects how successful and rewarding the remaining hours are. Certain morning habits set the mood and help you stick to your plan throughout the day, stay in a good mood, and eat a balanced diet. Femme4 tells you which habits contribute to weight loss.

1. High protein dinner

It is clear that dinner is not a morning routine. However, the last meal of the day has a significant impact on the next morning. If the day before you made a choice in favor of a protein dinner, then in the morning you will not have a strong feeling of hunger, which means that you can make a choice in favor of a healthy breakfast and an adequate portion. In contrast, a carbohydrate dinner makes you wake up hungry and seek comfort in simple carbohydrates that lead to insulin spikes and high-calorie meals. In addition, protein is excellent at supporting your metabolism at night, which means that a little fat is burned during sleep.

2. Light

Our body is strongly influenced by sunlight: it not only wakes up in the morning, but also helps to lose weight. Daylight activates metabolism even in cloudy weather. If you speed up your metabolism right after sleep, you will automatically burn more calories. By the way, even 20-30 minutes of daylight per day should be enough to affect the process of losing weight.

3. Make the bed

What does weight loss have to do with a made bed? It’s a psychological trick, but it can also help you lose weight. Those who make the bed in the morning demonstrate willpower. And willpower when losing weight is always useful. For our subconscious mind, such a trick is associated with the fact that you are in control of your life, and therefore your food.

4. Breakfast

Do not give it up if you want to lose weight. A balanced breakfast helps you avoid overeating and sugary snacks. If your body is getting all the important nutrients in the morning, you are more likely to eat fewer calories throughout the day. By the way, the ideal breakfast is a mixture of complex carbohydrates and proteins, for example, scrambled eggs on grain bread or oatmeal with natural yogurt and fruits. But if you can’t eat anything in the morning or practice intermittent fasting, of course, you don’t need to force yourself to eat.

5. Weigh yourself regularly

Of course, the numbers on the scales do not always reflect the real state of affairs, and in matters of the figure it is worth focusing on volumes and inner feeling. However, weighing in the morning at the same time (preferably on an empty stomach) is a great habit for those looking to get to know their body better and keep track of their weight. The scale helps you navigate and understand what type of food you are swelling or gaining weight from. In addition, you can compensate for the weight gain the next day with lighter meals or intense training.

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  • Morning Habits: License Date: February 20th, 2023 Item License Code: UTNPFCBWQ9