7 Specific Ways to Drastically Slow Down Aging

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Trust me, it’s not that hard to follow them all on a daily basis.

No one can turn back time, but it is quite possible to slow down aging, its course and affect our appearance and health. How we age is only 50% determined by our DNA, the other half is completely determined by lifestyle. You can outsmart the body and reset a few years of your biological age with the help of sports and a healthy diet. Yes, this is a known truth, so here are seven more specific tips that act as a natural rejuvenation.


Free radicals are one of the main enemies of firm skin. The bad news is that almost everything that surrounds us every day contributes to their formation: ultraviolet light, polluted environment, radiation, smoking, stress provoke the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. The good news is that you can fight all of this with the help of berries, which contain a powerful charge of antioxidants. It is recommended that you supplement your diet with a serving of berries daily, ideally with the first meal of the day. In this way, they are ideally metabolized and protect the body from free radicals and, therefore, premature aging throughout the day.


You don’t have to get your vitamin D from the sun, you should just avoid it and remember to apply SPF to your skin 365 days a year. If you live in a northern country and work in an office, you are likely to be deficient in this vitamin. However, before running to the pharmacy, consult an endocrinologist: the doctor will prescribe an analysis and a dosage corresponding to the results. You will have to choose in what form it is more convenient for you to take vitamin D – capsules or solution.


Combine business with pleasure: yes, regular sex can also stop the aging process. Scientists even devoted a separate study to this, according to the results of which they found that sexually active people have firmer skin due to a regular increase in heart rate and, therefore, improved blood circulation than those who rarely have sex. Such a load is similar to high-intensity training and also prevents cardiovascular disease – in general, solid pluses.


A useful habit, which for many remains a personal challenge. Accept it: the body is 50-80% water, and the older we get, the smaller its percentage – hello, wrinkles.


Stress makes us age faster because in this state, the body releases cortisol. In the “fight or flight” mode, the arteries narrow, and less oxygen is carried through the blood. Free radicals are waiting right there, blooming in a state of stress and making us look older.

Obviously, that’s easier said than done. As a tip, we advise you to play events in your head that can cause you stress. Thus, if this happens in reality, your reaction will be calmer.


Another age-old truth: sport is life. Cardio, aerobic and anaerobic activities – choose the one that you like and do it regularly. The sooner you turn sports into an integral part of life, the later you will begin to age. Muscles make the skin supple and toned, burn fat and maintain optimal insulin levels. And if you go in for sports outdoors, then, in addition to all the listed bonuses, you also actively saturate the cells with oxygen.


The good news is that pleasantly lazy leisure also slows down aging. Massage, for example, keeps the skin supple and youthful because more oxygen enters the cells with pressure. Quality sleep plays an equally important role: cells are renewed, cortisol is destroyed, and the sleep hormone melatonin has a rejuvenating effect on the body – this is probably why Snow White, who slept for 100 years, has not aged a day.

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  • Positive middle aged woman laughing on couch: License Date: February 21st, 2023 Item License Code: 4ZSQRVNEPU