How Stress Affects the Skin

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A portrait of a stressed person looks extremely sad: a gloomy expression, dull dry skin, redness, inflammation and dark circles are the result of hard working days. Obviously, stress has a much more significant effect on the body than it seems at first glance. For example, it can result in serious skin problems.

If you often “stress”, then you can not avoid problems with:


And tightness of the skin. One of the consequences of chronic stress is excessive fluid loss from the epidermis. Dehydration of the skin leads to disruption of the sebaceous glands: in patients, a greasy sheen, inflammation and a painful feeling of tightness appear on the face. To reanimate the skin, it is necessary to restore the lipid barrier, start the process of lipid synthesis. Thoroughly cleanse and moisturize the skin with products based on natural oils, acids (hyaluronic / lactic), emollients (fats) that create a protective film.


Spasm or excessive “relaxation” of the vascular network on the face is another consequence of chronic stress. Redness on the skin appears due to a sharp rush of blood to the face due to the action of cortisol – the “stress hormone”, making them thin and fragile. Due to regular “vascular drops”, the vessels themselves become thinner, and sometimes even burst. In the long term, constant stress can provoke the development of couperose or rosacea – inflammatory skin diseases. The solution will be to choose products with capillary-protective and soothing properties for sensitive skin. According to the expert, to prevent such problems, it is worth paying attention to procedures with yellow spectrum LED light: it penetrates the skin to a depth of 1.2 mm, soothing and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.


If cortisol makes us blush, then adrenaline, on the contrary, causes capillary spasm and disrupts oxygen metabolism. The skin seems to freeze in anticipation. Not surprisingly, as a result of chronic stress, the complexion becomes dull and earthy. The lymphatic system is also under the influence of stress hormones. Due to disturbances in its functions, fluid is retained in the tissues, as a result, puffiness of the face may develop and dark circles around the eyes may become more noticeable.

In the cosmetologist’s office, to solve this problem, you will most likely be offered lymphatic drainage procedures: lymphatic drainage massage with the Jet Peel device or meso preparations. However, the effect will definitely need to be fixed with home care. First of all, this is a massage – manual or with the help of a gadget, as well as the use of masks for the “affected” areas. For example, the FOREO range has a UFO-activated caffeine and niacinamide Shimmer Freak Mask for the area around the eyes, to relieve puffiness and restore the skin barrier.


Stress negatively affects even the contours and oval of the face: the patient may experience muscle hypertonicity or clamps. Why is it better not to allow such a tone? The fact is that at rest, part of the muscle fibers is “woven” into the skin and helps to maintain a clear oval. In a state of hypertonicity, they begin to “pull the face down.” Clamps that appear under stress not only on the face, but throughout the body, increase the risk of the formation of brow, nasolabial and transverse wrinkles.

Correction and prevention of hypertonicity is carried out with the help of botulinum therapy, massage of the face and neck-collar zone, as well as general body massage. At home, you can regularly massage your face with just your hands or with a massage brush.

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  • Moisture for skin: License Date: February 20th, 2023 Item License Code: 23NEYPJFWH